In Rio we went to a very poor area to minister to the kids there and to give them the hope of Christ.
Every saturday some people from church go there to love on the kids and to teach them the word of God.
In Rio there is a lot of poor areas, called ´favelas´ where anarchy reigns and even the police doesn´t want to go in because of danger to get shoot. The families live in very miserable
conditions and most of them have no job.
Please pray for the kids there and for our brothers and sisters going there to give them the Gospel.
Proverbs 28:27
´He who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes will have many curses.´
Looks like awesome stuff Djuj. So, two questions: first, How are you doing; second, where in the world are you now? haha. Are these old pics from back in summer? Well, I hope you're doing well and that you're blessed wherever you're at and in whatever you're doing. You're a great encouragement and I pray that the Lord might continue to use you as a light to everyone around you. Be blessed my friend. : )
1o:o0...hey friend!! I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!! Hope and pray that all is well and you are continuing to fall in love with Jesus more and more every day!!
Keep Abiding...
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