
Calvary Campo

On sundays we have a service in the morning for mainly the English speaking students and at night we have a service in Portugese. Last sunday night we had a baptism on campus, and two Brasilians confessed the Lord.
On Wednesdays we have a service in town, which is about half an hour from the campus. Please keep the evangelism we have before Wednesday services in your prayers. Many people come to salvation every week, and the Lord is opening doors to share the Gospel in different schools here.

It is exciting to see the Lord work,
and may He be glorified in all!

Love you guys,
and thank you for your prayers!


God´s created nature

The nature is awesome here! We have all different kinds of animals here on campus. Today I saw a monkey swinging in the trees. They also have tucans here, but I didn´t see them yet. There are all different kinds of butterflies, and we have three horses on the property. I love this place, it is so peaceful and relaxing.


School started

This is our first week of school, and yesterday we went to town for our first Portugese class. It was a fun class, and I look forward to communicate and witness to the people here in Brazil. Please pray for open doors and boldness to share the Gospel!
Last night we had our midweek Biblestudy downtown. The service is only in Portugese, so
it is challenging, but I´m sure we´ll be able learn the language very fast hearing it constantly.
Every week before church we´ll be evangelizing and inviting people to church. The Brazilians are very friendly and open people. Please pray for the Lord´s Spirit to guide us and to break all language barriers.
May our Lord Jesus be magnified!!


Orientation day

Yehhh, I arrived at the Biblecollege! It is sooooo beautiful and relaxing here - such a contrast to São Paulo!!
On Saturday we had our orientation day. In the evening we went to town for some icecream. And on the way there we saw the moon eclipse!
It is a huge campus in the middle of the jungle, and we have a lot of exotic animals here - tucans, monkeys, huge lizards, etc. It is an beautiful place here, and I love being in the middle of God´s awesome created nature.